Over 250 Bags of Food for Thanksgiving Donated by Faith-based Organizations
“All of our humanity is dependent upon recognizing the humanity in others.”
– Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
No matter what our religion might be, or if we are religious at all, we are all human. Together we can look out for one another. This year our connectivity has been highlighted in ways we never thought about prior to the pandemic.
Our community at Ritter Center reflects this interfaith effort and shows that so many are focused on our shared humanity this holiday season.
One example is Saint Anselm Church. Since the pandemic, Liz from Saint Anselm Church has borrowed Ritter Center’s truck each month and collected hundreds of bags of non-perishable groceries and monetary donations from congregants.
Another example comes from Mt. Tam United Methodist Church. When the city of Sausalito reached out to Jorge Garcia, our Client Services Manager, to set food aside for 100 people that were anchored out on boats in Sausalito, Sue and Winnie stepped up to help pick up food from Ritter Center on Tuesday mornings and take it to Sausalito for those in need on boats.
When it came time this year to start gathering food for our Thanksgiving Meal Kit giveaway, Jorge contacted Sue and Winnie to see if they could possibly collect 30 or 40 bags of food. They reached out to the following local places of worship: Church of the Vine, Christ Episcopal Church, Sausalito Presbyterian Church, Congregation Kol Shofar, and their congregation at Mt. Tam United Methodist Church. Altogether, they collected 192 grocery bags of food!
These are just a few of many other religious organizations that have been involved. Together faith-based groups have provided well over 250 grocery bags full of food for our Thanksgiving Meal Kit giveaway.
It takes a village and we couldn’t do it without you! Thank you.
Due to COVID we have reduced food drop-off options and new health and safety protocols in place to reduce the risk of spread. We’re working with groups and suppliers to consolidate food collections.
If your group or team would like to get involved in a group food or clothing drive, please contact Jorge Garcia, our Client Services Manager at 415-457-8182 x109.
If you have any questions about making a donation to Ritter Center or becoming a corporate partner to help underwrite the costs of our programs, please email Jessica Hansen at [email protected].