A Night at the Movies with the Ritter Center
You’re invited to join us for an hors d’oeuvre reception and special screening with Amir Soltani, the Director of Dogtown Redemption, the acclaimed documentary about the lives of street recyclers in West Oakland.
A surprising number of Americans make their living off vast rivers of trash. They are America’s unseen. Dismissed as scavengers and pests, these “pirates of trash” come to life in DOGTOWN REDEMPTION, the story of an underclass of shopping cart recyclers, poor entrepreneurs who defy Darwin every day, cheating death and despair by seeking redemption in trash.
Thursday, February 16th
5pm Reception
6pm Director’s remarks and film
Christopher B. Smith Rafael Film Center
1118 4th Street, San Rafael
To purchase tickets please visit:
For more information please call 415-686-3516