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Who We Serve

Ritter Center serves families and individuals in Marin County who are low-income. Despite their best efforts, many individuals and families struggle from paycheck to paycheck. They are food-insecure, unable to afford basic health care, and lack reliable transportation. Any unforeseen expense becomes a serious financial obstacle that threatens their ability to pay rent or buy food for their families.

Some of our clients have disabling conditions that make it impossible for them to work. Others are elderly, on a fixed income, or struggle with substance use issues. From supportive housing and groceries, to health care and counseling services, Ritter Center provides the essential services they need to fill in the gaps. 35% of clients that Ritter Center services have experienced homelessness. 65% of clients that we serve are housed and receive supportive services including healthcare, benefits assistance, and behavioral health support.

Thanks to our supporters, partners, and funders, in 2020 we:

  • Served 2,570 individuals
  • Provided 18,883 medical and behavioral healthcare visits
  • Served over 350 families with food from our food pantry each week
  • Distributed 22,000 bags of food valued at $440,000
  • Secured permanent housing for 250 individuals
  • Provided Over $567,000 in rental assistance to help people stay in their homes
  • More than $33,000 in gift cards were distributed to families so they could buy food, toys, and other gifts during the holiday season
  • 65% of our clients are housed and need support services to remain so

We help people living in poverty overcome barriers to aid and provide tailored support so they can build healthier more stable lives for themselves and their families.

Information on Homelessness

Interested in learning more about the homeless population in Marin County? See the results of a comprehensive homeless census survey.


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