NEED HELP? Contact Us & Learn More
When funding becomes available, Ritter Center’s Case Management team offers rental assistance to people in need of financial support to maintain their housing.
People seeking rental assistance can visit us during drop in hours Monday – Friday from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM / 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM.
The best way to apply for Rental Assistance is by emailing our department at [email protected] and put RENTAL ASSISTANCE in the subject line.
Rental Assistance is available to Marin County Residents only and applicants must have a social security number, a valid lease in their name, a way to pay the rent long-term, and total income that is no greater than 80% of AMI ( 77k for 1 person household ). Applicants are required to provide documentation that supports all of those criteria.
For questions contact a member of the Case Management team at (415) 457-8182 ext. 130