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If you are experiencing homelessnessor know someone who isscroll down to view a list of non-profit organizations that offer assistance to individuals, families and youth in Marin County who are struggling with or find themselves vulnerable to homelessness.

Local Shelters

Helen Vine Detox Center

301 Smith Ranch Road, San Rafael, CA 94903

Counseling and treatment for people working to overcome drug or alcohol addiction

Center for Domestic Peace

Hotline in English — 415-924-6616
Hotline in Spanish – 415-924-3456
Men’s Hotline – 415-924-1070

Emergency shelter and support groups for people involved in domestic violence

More Marin County Resources

The County of Marin has a list of resources for homeless individuals and families. 

Access our Client Services

Help make ends meet by visiting our Food Pantry and don’t forget to Sign Up for Extra Seasonal Support.

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