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Help Our Neighbors in Need

Your time, talent, and contributions create positive change in the lives of our Marin neighbors who need us most.

Ways to Give

Make an Annual or Monthly Gift

Your secure online tax deductible donation supports Ritter Center’s programs and services including medical and mental healthcare, housing support, benefits assistance, our food pantry, and seasonal events. 

Join our community of monthly donors and maximize your impact.

Mail a Check
You may mail your donation to: Ritter Center, Development Team, PO Box 3517, San Rafael, CA 94912. Please indicate any program funding preferences by including a note.


Donate Essentials

Review our list of high-need items to see what our clients need most. We appreciate your new and clean used items delivered to 16 Ritter Center in San Rafael, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

Support Our Annual Client Events
Help us offer added support during critical times of the year by supporting our Back-to-School Backpack Drive, Women’s Health Day, Thanksgiving Meal Kit Giveaway and Sit-Down Holiday Meal.
Name Ritter Center in Your Will

Make a significant impact by leaving a legacy gift in your will. Please let us know if you plan to include Ritter Center in your estate plans.

A planned gift today can help end homelessness tomorrow.

Give Stock

Ritter Center welcomes gifts of publicly traded stocks, mutual funds and bonds.

Please contact Noelle Colomé, Director of Donor Advising at 415-847-5530 or [email protected] to facilitate your gift.

Volunteer with Us

Work in our food pantry, help serve a holiday meal, distribute Thanksgiving meal kits and backpacks, write thank you notes and hand-address holiday cards, help set-up and break-down at our annul events or consider joining a committee or our Board of Directors. 

We need your time and talent.

Sleepout to End Homelessness

Ritter Center’s SleepOut Challenge is now a year-round fundraising event. Give up the comfort of your bed for one night while raising funds and awareness to end homelessness. Online tools make it simple.

Form a team or sign up solo. Start today!

Shop to Support Our Work

Support Ritter Center at home, work and on the go with branded clothing for kids, adults, and pets, housewares, office items, mugs, blankets, toys and more.

Every purchase supports our work!

Under the Stars: A Fundraiser to End Homelessness in Marin

On May 14th we will celebrate at The Clubhouse at Peacock Gap for an inspiring evening of food, fun, and fundraising!

Save the date and visit here for details!

Get Your Company Involved

Our corporate partners sponsor our events, work in our Food Pantry, provide employee matching grants, donate supplies, and provide grant funding.

We look forward to partnering with you! 

Make a Difference with Your DAF

A donor advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable savings account that gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Ritter Center. When recommending a grant please use our legal name and Tax ID: Ritter Center | Tax ID is 94-2675517


Ritter Center is committed to resolving homelessness in Marin and we are committed to earning the trust of our generous donors who make our work possible.