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Hope for the Holidays
Our 2024 Hope for the Holidays Campaign was a remarkable success thanks to the many donors and volunteers. The holidays are a joyous time for many, but for some, they are a stark reminder of what they lack. We enlist the support of our dedicated volunteers and loyal donors to help bring hope for the holidays to those who are struggling. Revisit this page in the Fall of 2025 to learn how to support our next campaign.
Upcoming Holiday Assistance Programs
- Thanksgiving Meal Kit Collection: Date TBD | 16 Ritter Center
- Family Holiday Card Giveaway: Date TBD | Location TBD
- Holiday Meal for Clients Experiencing Homelessness: Date TBD | Location TBD
Eligibility to Participate
If you are a registered client of Ritter Center and have been using our services for at least six months, you are automatically eligible to participate.
To take part in our Thanksgiving event, each participant must sign up separately. No registration is needed to attend our sit-down Holiday Meal.
Not a Current Ritter Center Client?
New clients are invited to visit 16 Ritter Street to inquire about eligibility for our programs and services.
Thanksgiving Meal Kits
Sign-Up: Visit the Food Pantry to sign up.
Event Details: Date TBD | 16 Ritter Center
What Clients Receive: Frozen turkey, fresh produce, dried/canned goods, and dessert
Missed Pick Up: Date TBD | 16 Ritter Center
Leftovers: Date TBD | 16 Ritter Center
Family Holiday Gift Card Giveaway
Sign-Up: Visit the Food Pantry to sign up. Each member of the family must register separately. Children must be under 18, living in the household, and show proof of age and address (medical card or passport accepted).
Waitlist: Currently no waitlist planned as this event typically fills up quickly.
What Clients Receive: Individuals will receive a $100 gift card to Safeway or Target.
Sit-Down Holiday Meal
No Registration Required
Event Details: Date TBD | Location TBD
What Clients Receive: Unsheltered clients will enjoy a hot, freshly cooked meal with dessert. They will also receive a coat, sleeping bag, backpack, hygiene kit, socks, a hat, scarf, and/or gloves, along with kindness and a sense of community spirit.
For more information about these special events and how to sign up, please contact the Food Pantry & Client Services at (415) 457-8182.